Pipeline (AT — worship)
Letošní Hamr Kemp poctí svou návštěvou také rakouská kapela Pipeline. Těšíme se na jejich vystoupení plné současných křesťanských písní. Takže možná uslyšíte vám známé nápěvy v trochu jiné podobě.
Napsali o sobě:
PIPELINE is a youth worship band from the church „Christengemeinde Freistadt – Strom des Lebens“ in Upper Austria. We are a group of 9 people who’ve known each other for a long time and are not only band members, but close friends in daily life. We mainly play at church events and since the beginning of 2015 have started being „on the road“ more often. Our band name PIPELINE expresses our desire for our music to be a tool of transport in two ways: Above all we want to express our love for Jesus through our music and worship him with everybody who wants to join in. In the same time we want to be used by God to let his love flow through us to the people listening. We express our hearts through some own songs and mainly sing in the german, so that as many Austrians as possible can participate in our worship with their whole heart and mind. For the Hamr Kemp we’ve added some english songs to our set of contemporary christian music.